Female pleasure: the history of the vibrator

Many of those things used for purposes that no one would even want to talk about used to be for a very different purpose. This includes, unexpectedly, the female vibrator. It was also used by men for medical purposes what they write about here: https://telegram-porn.com/catalog/product-category/channels/adult-content.

Problematic uteruses

It so happens that since ancient times, almost all women’s diseases were associated with one or another uterine problems. Various scientists from around the world have described “hysteria” and “rabies” associated with the inability of the uterus to conceive. Of course, such terminology is not used now, but the female vibrator owes it to these unusual diagnoses, because it is thanks to them that it appeared.

An interesting finding

Such female diagnoses were tried to cure as best they could, up to horseback rides. In the world of archeology it is accepted to consider the most ancient dildo of the age of 28 thousand years. It was found in Germany, near the city of Ulm. The device itself is made of stone. According to some reports, it could also be used for getting fire. In the tombs of the pharaohs, archaeologists found gold and silver dildos. And bronze items have been found in China.

Hard work! 

In the 19th century, the diagnosis of hysteria was made regularly and was quite common. A so-called “pelvic massage” was prescribed to treat it. “The pelvis was massaged” until the “attack of hysteria” (the highest point of pleasure) came on. It was not an easy occupation: the doctor’s labor was not always successful, and the work itself could last for hours. Hands would get so tired that doctors would dip them into a dish filled with ice. This is what gave rise to the first female vibrator. George Taylor, an American physician, was able to be the first to patent a steam-powered device to eliminate the symptoms of “hysteria.” The patent was registered in 1869.

The very first device

Einer der ersten Vibratoren für den Hausgebrauch stammt von der US-Firma Hamilton Beach. Geliefert wurde das Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts entwickelte Gerät in einem schweren Koffer – inklusive verschiedener Aufsätze und einer ausführlichen Garantieerklärung.

The pioneer of this trend was the Englishman Joseph Mortimer. Back in 1880, he decided to patent his amazing device called “Hammer”. This tool worked on the generator and was a small drill with a ball at the end. Because of the presence of a generator, it was not possible to place such a device at home, and therefore the tool was exclusively in the doctor’s office. By the way, it managed to prove itself: women lined up in huge lines. 

Each one had his own miracle machine

Over time, people were able to invent the first hand vibrator. It was patented in 1902 and became a resounding success. However, they were sold as a medical product for head, foot and body massage. In addition to the usual massage, according to various manufacturers, it could help cure almost any ailment through vibrations. Up to a certain point, no one perceived these machines as something obscene. But when they began to be used as props in films marked 18+, his original intent began to be lost. And then they stopped being sold in every drugstore, moving them to special stores.